When you
know a person, you can be a good judge of his or her character through your interactions
and observations from up close. If a person is a stranger to you, his
utterances and actions determine how you perceive him or her. To those who know
Ousainou Mbenga (I am not one of them), they may see a different side to him
than what he uttered in a recent article. In his article misleadingly captioned;
Agenda can Remain Hidden forever: United Democratic Party (UDP) Hegemony
Declared.” Mbenga speaks the language of bigots albeit subtly.
So what if some guy
in New York declared a “UDP government” what evidence is there for that? What
about the tags emanating from without way before the New York meeting contemptuously
calling the government a UDP government? Claims lacking the basic decency to
respect the other members and stakeholders within the government. That aside,
how many cabinet positions are there, how many went to UDP and how many went to
the other parties? That shouldn’t be too hard a research to conduct. But No
it’s not about the UDP and it did not take long for Ousainou Mbenga to reveal
what was really getting him hot under the collar;
For all intent and purposes, the genuine struggle needs to intensify
hundred-fold to prepare the Gambian masses with an unshakable fighting capacity
to build the “new Gambia” rooted in our national advancement and not ethnic or
tribal loyalties. Yes, the struggle continues. But against what? Tribalism and
all forms of reactionary ethnic affiliations against our national
interest. – Ousainou Mbenga
Aha! There you have it, the real reason he was
fuming. Just like the Barrow administration is disrespectfully branded a UDP
government, so too is the UDP branded a Mandinka party. So replace UDP with
Mandinka and you’ll see where Ousainou Mbenga is really aiming at. It is that
simple. Why else will ethnic or “tribal” ‘anything’ surface in this write up;
supposedly aimed at unmasking some government conspiracy afoot.
You think I’m exaggerating, read on…
Lets assume the claim that U.D.P is the majority party
and won the elections. Does that mean that everyone should be under their boot?
Conversely, so
what if any one of the ethnic groups in the Gambia constitute the so called
“majority”? Does it means [sic] you have absolute power with total disregard
for the rest of us? In my view, this arrogance is more destabilizing than the
mere constructive criticisms made of the regime. - Mbenga
Why else would these two scenarios fit together if
not to reveal the underlying intent of the author? Ousainou Mbenga, at least in
this episode perfectly represented the narrative of those hateful bigots that
hide behind nationalism, patriotism, constructive criticism and equality to
mask their hatred and condescension for their fellow countrymen, especially the
rural Mandinka folk while behind closed doors and in comfortable company will
let loose the oft-repeated line of the bigoted; The Mandinkas
think they own this country! That is what that line about “majority party” and
“majority ethnic group” referenced above really meant to say. He even
referenced that supposed Mandinka sense of entitlement further on in his write up;
We must win the masses of our people to revolutionary
politics to cultivate revolutionary leadership as oppose [sic] to “leadership
of entitlement” grossly impregnated with tribal / ethnic backwardness. The
Gambian masses must know where their interest lies and who serves their
interest. Has “tribalism” ever served the interest of the down trodden masses
who are historically misused as canon [sic] fodder by the opportunist elite
politicians? Never did, never will. – Ousainou Mbenga
see, you just have to read between the lines to get the message. Here's the tactic at play (not authored by Mbenga): Brand the
government a UDP government, that way any failure (which they anticipate) will
be blamed on the party to speed up its demise because the party is sectarian in
their view. In the meantime with the government labelled thus, Hon. Ousainou
Darboe can be singled out for all manner of resentful attacks to smear his name
even in matters he has no knowledge of or a hand in. For good measure, throw in Hon. Mai Fatty to offset
any accusations of singling Darboe out.
Meanwhile, Hons. Hamat Bah, O.J, and Henry
Gomez are looked at as non-factors even though everyone is absolutely certain
that neither Hon. Hamat Bah nor O.J are drag along politicians who’d tow just
anybody’s line. Dr. Touray is spared perhaps for fear of being labelled anti-feminist.
The same way the bigots mask their contempt for Darboe and attempts at discrediting
him and his party by labeling the government a UDP government; is the same way they
label the UDP as a Mandinka party so that their contempt for the Mandinka can
be shielded with claims of being “constructively critical" of a political party,
what’s wrong with that? Nothing, except you’re not.
The roots of such contempt for rural Mandinka folk
lies in that bitter political rivalry of the UP/PPP days that still lives on in
many. Ousainou Mbenga has given credence to their claims even though he may not
be one of them, but that much he has done. Instead of confronting their
dissatisfaction head on, they try to mask it. That insincerity and lack of genuine
discourse is why the issue of “tribalism” keeps surfacing its ugly head in our
political discourse and until we are willing to take the bull by the horns,
bring forth evidence pointing to such divisive mechanisms as are being claimed,
it will remain an elusive topic; forever present yet never visible while in the
process some of our folks are consumed by rage and hatred for a non-existent
quote Mbenga one last time; “Let’s take possession of our brains and never
relinquish it to opportunism.” I agree; one way to achieve that, I would
suggest we take a look at issues within their right context and try to
cultivate an understanding of issues from all angles possible. Every single
political party in The Gambia has a cross-section of all the “tribes” in the
country forming its support base.You know why that is so; geography plays into it, kinship, friendships, acquaintances etc.
the UP days, PPP never had any hopes of winning in Banjul pre-independence, does that
qualify as tribalism? See it is easy to dismiss ALL of the factors that led to
the formation of the PPP and brand it along tribal lines; that is easy and
convenient. If tribe was truly the motivation PPP will remain unopposed
post-independence. The only opposition party of any clout against Jawara that
was not headed by a Mandinka was the Gambia People’s Party of the late Assan
Musa Camara, second Vice President of The Republic of The Gambia (God rest his
soul). Foni, today erroneously branded “tribalist” by other sets of bigots was
ever PPP’s for the taking.
referenced the 1981 abortive coup; here’s a historical fact; Kukoi Samba
Sanyang (God rest his soul) ran on an NCP ticket for the Parliamentary seat of
Foni Kansala and lost to a PPP sponsored candidate. He went rogue after that.
By virtue of his association with the NCP, Hon. Sheriff Mustapha Dibba, (God
rest his soul) the party leader of the NCP was implicated in the 1981 coup. He
was held in custody and later cleared due to lack of evidence.
Yaya emerged, Foni went full blown APRC; no opposition allowed. Was any of that
“tribalism” NO! Here’s why;
is the most coveted thing in the world. People generally want some affinity
with power; the adage that power is intoxicating is very true. “Here was a
rural native (in the case of Jawara for the rural folk of post independent
Gambia) come to extend the franchise to us and he is one of us, let’s back him
up” said rural folks (kinship). Then came Jammeh; “here’s a Foni native ascended to the highest office in the
land, we’ll lift him up and never put him down” said the people of Foni.
Labelling that “tribalism” is naïve, for rural Gambia is native to every
“tribe” just as Foni has Jolas, Mandinkas, Fulas, etc. who all embraced Yaya (geography - he's from our region). Now
the difference between the two scenarios is; Did Yaya attempt to cut a
demarcating line between the “tribes” to soar up his support? Of course he did
in word and action; openly. THAT is “tribalism”- a systematic targeting, exclusion
and domination, subjugation even, of others by virtue of their creed.
people of Foni are not “tribalist” for supporting Yaya; he just gave them that sought
after affinity to power through a shared language, culture and geography. That
alone does not qualify as “tribalism”. If that qualifies as “tribalism”, well
I’d be damned if you do not brand yourself racist for supporting Obama. Yes,
black people the world over loved Obama, cheered him on, wished he’d win and
celebrated his win. What’s better than being affiliated with the most powerful
man in the world by ethnicity no matter how distant and unrealistic that may
seem? Fact is it had a symbolic meaning, especially for black Americans. That’s
the real fact. The problem would have been if Obama pandered to that narrative.
some people vote for candidates for the flimsiest of reasons. But besides Yaya,
name a politician who courts voters along “tribal” lines. Our task should be to
educate people on their civic duties and encourage them towards realistic goals
that will motivate their actions and decisions. Educate them on such issues as
policy and governance without faulting them for their choice; people want what
they want.
what we should especially task ourselves is to hold politicians to different and more
rigorous standards; ergo if an aspiring or sitting politician ever opens his or
her mouth on a political platform or beyond and utters incendiary or tribal
undertones, or panders to such overtly (like Yaya) or covertly; we pounce on
him or her and tear him or her down. With citizens, educate; educate; educate!
After that we respect their choices and stop peddling this not so subtle
bigotry thinly veiled in insincere utterances of UNITY, NATIOANLISM, or ONE
GAMBIANESS when all you truly want is power and dominance to be the very thing
you’re preaching against. What I can get on board with out of this whole write
up is;
POWER TO THE PEOPLE [all of the people]! ONE GAMBIA INDIVISIBLE (never has
been)! DOWN WITH TRIBALISM! [And bigotry
of all forms subtly masked in self-deluding patriotism].
The reader comes to Mbenga’s article with hopes of
finding evidence of some conspiracy at work that will be brought to light, when
all it accomplished was speak the language of bigots. There was nothing neither
critical nor constructive in it, just mere speculation and innuendo accompanied
by implicit tones of anger and contempt. Yes, a person can love his land (be a patriot) but be contemptuous (bigoted) towards some of those he shares that land with.
Let’s not speak things into existence. The human
subconscious can be a dangerous weapon against the person’s being itself. Everyone
knows the Gambia is the most close-knit society you’ll find anywhere. Beyond politics
we all know that to be fact. So that fabric of our society, if any politician or opinion
leader attempts to rip apart, we need to call them out, bring forth the
evidence of their plot and condemn them to irrelevance. Insinuating such
division speaks to the subconscious that each group should retreat back to
their kin and then it becomes an ‘us’ versus ‘them’ scenario that none will
ever win, everyone loses.
Just as we do not speak of sectarianism based on
religion because Christians are underrepresented in politics, let’s not peddle
a similar narrative along tribal lines. Let’s be like Hon. Henry Gomez; believe
in yourself, believe in the maturity of Gambians and their embracing nature, be bold and
go out and seek what you desire, you have a right to it. You will always find support across the board.
We are after all a diverse people; we can all celebrate our individual cultures,
speak each other’s language and uphold our valuable customs without fearing
domination by one group or the other. We have tasked ourselves to “Join our diverse
peoples [together] to prove man’s brotherhood.” For that is what we are;
brothers and sisters!